Join us

New members are very welcome

Membership form here – download and post to PO BOX 530 MAWSON Canberra ACT 2607

Want to help us celebrate National Wattle Day on 1 September?

Want to just sit in on our Wattle Day Association meetings to see if you are interested in what we do before making up your mind?

We hold our meetings in Canberra every six weeks or so.


Would you like to feature your group and its National Wattle Day activities on this  website?

Just at the Wattle Day Association.

Four of WDA's five committee members at the 25th Anniversary celebration
2023-2024 WDA committee members (four of seven) at the association’s 25th birthday celebration – 16 Nov. 2023.
L to R: Denis Brown, Suzette Searle, Judy Tunningley and Greg Blood
Mike Gilmore, Teah Searle and Simon Yates are also committee members

Join us by becoming a Member today!

What we offer

The benefits for you

Our current package: a wattle day badge and brochure and a digital membership form. Information and engagement on wattle matters and the promotion of National Wattle Day
The capability to put you in touch with other like-minded wattle enthusiasts in your region A forum to share activities, ideas and successes with others who are enthusiasts for wattle and National Wattle Day
A role as an ambassador for wattle, National Wattle Day and the WDA: to be an agent for change with an appropriate information package and mandate, and to be and be seen to be part of having an impact for changing the way we celebrate Australia The opportunity to contribute in an active and exciting role (tailored to your level of availability/commitment/motivation)
To be part of a different (more meaningful) way of celebrating Australia Satisfaction from being identified with a uniquely Australian endeavour – a good feeling

WDA Committee members Suzette Searle (L) and Judy Tunningley (R) receiving certificates from Andrew Leigh MP on 25 May 2018 in National Volunteer Week.

Florence Fahy and Terry Fewtrell were also recognised for the volunteer work with the Wattle Day Association Inc.