Author Archives: Suzette

Wattle worn by Australia’s new Governor-General

Our 28th Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC, together with her husband, Simeon and sister wore stunning wattle sprigs this morning at her swearing in at Parliament House, Canberra. Around her neck Her Excellency wears the Governor-General’s wattle blossom-inspired insignia for the Order of Australia. The popularity of this symbol grows stronger […]

Wattle rarely causes pollen allergies

Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia

Wattle pollen is rarely the cause of hayfever or asthma. The persistent myth that it does, dispelled long ago by Australian immunologists, has been perpetuated with the help of self-serving advertising by some antihistamine marketing companies. And yet whenever there is talk of National Wattle Day as an alternative to Australia Day on 26 January, […]

Alternatives to Australia Day on 26 January – Have you considered Wattle Day?

In the lead-up to Australia Day, we once again find ourselves discussing other national days that have the potential to unify all Australians; from the most recent immigrants to the First Australians. Tammy Solonec’s thoughtful analysis published in 2014 hold true today as she examines why some options will not work and why others will: […]

Australia Day 2024 poses more than the usual challenges

Australia Day 2024 poses more than the usual challenges Terry Fewtrell January 26 poses more than the usual challenges in 2024. Barely 100 days since the failed referendum there is the real prospect of the respective advocates and supporters reigniting a process, the only real outcome of which was community division. There is the risk […]

25 Anniversary celebration of the Wattle Day Association inc.

The Wattle Day Association Inc. celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 16 November 2023. Present and former members of the committees gathered next to Lake Burley Griffin Canberra to toast this happy occasion and cut a special cake. Our aims are to raise awareness of two Australian government proclamations:  National Wattle Day is September 1 across […]